I control my speed and traverse across the slope using snowplough turns.
I remain balanced
while sliding faster
with skis parallel both across and down the slope on both skis or from one ski to the other, over a smooth terrain on a gentle slope.
I can brake, stop and start again myself.
Test :
Series of 7 to 8 snowplough turns
with the skis brought back to the parallel position in between, over a suitably marked out course.
Parallel direct line across the slope following a roughly straight trajectory.
Test of balance when skiing
while facing down the slope
with little jumps, from one foot to the other or over little bumps, etc.) on a gentle slope.
1st Star
(1Ére Étoile)
I have obtained the Flocon medal.
I can link parallel sideslip turns taking into account external factors
(terrain profile, other skiers, quality of snow ...).
I am balanced by traversing across on low to medium slopes.
I can parallel turn
(maintaining the angle of edges).
Test :
On a moderately steep slope, a series of parallel sideslip turns over a suitably marked out course.
Direct traversing line following a curved trajectory.
Step turns on a gentle slope
(starting off at an angle).
2nd Star
(2Éme Étoile)
I have obtained the 1st Star level.
I can link refined basic parallel turns, I cross the slope in parallel ski and I drive my turns using edges taking into account external factors
(terrain profile, other skiers, quality of snow ...).
I can ski across terrains of hollows and bumps, facing or crossing downhill
while remaining balanced.
Test :
Series of around ten perfect parallel turns over a suitably marked out course on a moderately steep slope.
Basic direct line passing over hollows and bumps.
Basic skating step.
3rd star
(3Éme Étoile)
I have obtained the 2nd Star level.
I can string together controlled parallel turns. I cross the slope
with my skis parallel and I drive my parallel turns using my edges, taking into account external factors
(terrain, profile, other skiers, quality of snow...).
I master my balance in a schuss over varied terrain
(hollows and bumps).
Test :
Series of around ten basic turns imposed by 10 to 12 poles, on a moderately steep slope.
Basic single garland, on a moderately steep slope.
Perfect direct line to build up speed, finished
with a braking sideslip, all on a moderately steep slope.
bronze Star
(Étoile de bronze)
I have obtained the 3rd Star level.
I've refined basic parallel turns by reducing sideslip.
I adapt my Godille (short fast turns) or wide turns taking into account and compensating for external factors (terrain, skiers, type of snow ...).
I master my balance in a schuss when taking off from rounded bumps, on piste or on a ground such as skiercross.
I am used to skiing in all snow conditions.
Test :
Non-timed line assessed by the pupil's ability to complete perfect basic turns,
with two changes of rhythm on a varied slope
(alternating medium, short and medium-radius turns through 15 to 20 gates).
Basic Godille
(short fast turns).
Passage over bumps
with slight take-off on prepared piste or terrain
(skiercross type run).
Gold Star
(Étoile d'or)
I have obtained the Bronze Star.
I have discovered alpine skiing in all its forms.
I can ski without stopping on tracks of large gradients, on any type of snow, taking into account external factors and respecting rules of conduct of the skier.
I am confident in challenging terrains or areas: e.g. skiercross, halfpipe.
Test :
Short giant slalom, timed (maximum 50% more time allowed compared to opener).
Technical series of perfect broad and high-speed turns over varied terrain (slope, snow, etc).